By Dr. Kiran Varma

I’ve recently had a few patients ask us about using Dysport (a specific brand of antiwrinkle tocxin) for their jaw pain which prompted me to write this article.
Jaw pain can be due to many different causes and firstly, it is important that you see your doctor and/or dentist for a review. In saying that, it is incredibly common and is often due to teeth grinding (known as bruxism). 

Common symptoms of bruxism are tender muscles of the jaw and face, headaches, toothache and unrefreshed sleep. If you have these symptoms, you have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. TMJ Dysfunction can develop because of stress, consuming certain medications, excessive alcohol consumption and from a a misaligned bite. When the jaw grinding is excessive, the jaw muscles can get stronger and bigger and this sets up a vicious cycle of inflamed jaw joints, painful muscles, poor sleep, overdeveloped jaw muscles and further grinding. 

So what options are available for treating TMJ Dysfunction?

It is important to review with your medical and dental healthcare professional for an assessment. We say this to ensure that you are reviewed to make sure you don’t have any underlying medical conditions that need to be treated – like obstructive sleep apnoea.

Depending on the severity, certain anti-inflammatory medications might help in managing the pain and specifics are best discussed during consultation.

If grinding has been ongoing and excessive, we consider “antiwrinkle injections” (or Botox injections) into the masseter muscles to help relax the muscle and reduce the muscle size and restore symmetry. 

The effect on reducing muscle bulk happens relatively quickly and patients often report significant improvement in symptoms within 2-4 weeks. This can offer much needed relief while further assessment and management options are considered. As required, we sometimes suggest a dental review to treat underlying malalignment and other issues – sometimes, an oral appliance is recommended by the dentist. Physiotherapy and myofunctional therapy of the face can also help in restoring function in the area.

As noted above, jaw pain treatment requires a relatively comprehensive review of the various causes – the assessment would determine the treatment options available.

Text us on 0488 882 069 to find out how we can help.