Vitamin C Infusions and Iron Infusions

Vitamin C Infusion

was $350 $28000

Vitamin C + B Complex Infusion

was $390 $32000

Iron Infusion

Vitamin C Infusion
About Vitamin C
How long will it last?
IV Therapy versus Oral
Who cant get Vitamin C IV Therapy?
Booking Process
Vitamin C Infusion

Our Vitamin C treatments are administered directly into your bloodstream. The most common way of administering this treatment is in the form of a drip. We can administer vitamin C as well as additional Vitamin B complex  directly into your blood which allows these ingredients to bypass your digestive system to allow greater absorption of these vitamins.


The benefits of getting vitamins into your system this way is bypassing your digestive tract which orally taken vitamins can be poorly absorbed and often have annoying side effects, a couple of these being nausea and stomach cramps. We only use the purest forms of vitamins for our vitamin infusions. 

Concentration of Vitamin C: 15g/50mL

You can book your Vitamin Infusion directly through our booking link. No consultation prior is needed. For more information you can text our Nurse Jackie directly on: 0488 882 069

About Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that plays a vital role in maintaining your health and well-being. It helps protect against oxidative stress, but it's worth noting that your body cannot produce Vitamin C on its own.

To ensure an adequate intake, it's recommended to include Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet. These foods should be a regular part of your meals.


However, it's important to know that only a small portion of consumed Vitamin C is absorbed by your body. The absorption rate can vary between individuals and depends on factors such as gut health and other substances present during digestion.


Taking high or frequent doses of oral Vitamin C can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms like stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or nausea. It's important to be mindful of the dosage to avoid such side effects.


Vitamin IV therapy is sometimes considered an optimal method for maximizing the benefits of Vitamin C. This therapy involves delivering Vitamin C directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. It allows for higher concentrations of Vitamin C to be achieved compared to oral consumption. However, it's crucial to note that Vitamin IV therapy should be administered under medical supervision and tailored to individual needs.


While Vitamin C IV therapy may be beneficial in specific circumstances, it is not necessary or ideal for everyone. For most people, a balanced diet incorporating Vitamin C-rich foods and, if needed, oral supplements can adequately meet their requirements. It's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific health needs.

How long will it last?

Following a Vitamin C infusion, the levels of Vitamin C in your body are expected to remain elevated for approximately two to three weeks. The kidneys play a crucial role in controlling this nutrient through a process called renal reabsorption. This process involves removing water and other nutrients from pre-urine and returning them to the bloodstream. The nephrons, which are small functional units within the kidneys, maintain a balance of minerals, salts, and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of tissues and organs. Regardless of your dietary intake, the nephrons continuously work to eliminate and reabsorb various substances.

If your body is deficient in Vitamin C, the nutrient will stay in the body for an extended period after treatment. Conversely, if your Vitamin C levels are normal, there may be a temporary increase followed by the excretion of any excess through urine. However, even if the elevated levels are only temporary, this treatment offers several benefits to your body:

  • Supporting the adrenal glands, particularly during times of stress.

  • Assisting in the breakdown of fats to increase energy and alleviate fatigue.

  • Reducing and eliminating free radicals, thereby decreasing inflammation, including relief from seasonal allergies.

  • Boosting the immune system to combat infections, whether acute or chronic, sepsis, respiratory issues, or viral infections.

  • Mitigating the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, such as fatigue and nausea (for more specific information on Vitamin C and cancer therapy, please refer to the end of this additional information).

  • Supporting collagen production, aiding in the healing of bruises and wounds, strengthening bones and tendons (particularly recommended after orthopedic surgery), and enhancing the appearance and texture of the skin.

By optimizing your Vitamin C levels, you may help sustain your overall health, potentially reducing the frequency of infections, inflammation, joint pain, and increasing your energy and vitality.

IV Vitamin C is frequently administered to patients as a treatment for various conditions, including infections such as sepsis, fatigue, post-snake bites, and as an adjunct therapy alongside most cancer treatments. However you will need a referral form your treating oncologist to us specifically to receive Vitamin C IV therapy for Cancer. 

Note: Please consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and to determine the suitability of Vitamin C therapy for your specific medical condition.

IV Therapy versus Oral

The small intestine is designed to maintain a low pH environment, which helps protect it from stomach acid and enables the enzymes in the small intestine to function properly. However, this environment can also hinder the absorption and delivery of Vitamin C. By the time Vitamin C reaches the bloodstream after oral consumption, it can be significantly reduced to approximately 18% of its original amount.


In contrast, intravenous therapy (IVT) delivering Vitamin C provides 100% bioavailability. This means that the nutrient is fully available for the body to use immediately upon administration. Furthermore, when administered intravenously, Vitamin C can remain in the body for a more sustained period, allowing for prolonged benefits.


One notable advantage of IVT with standard or high doses of Vitamin C is that it is generally associated with very few side effects. The direct delivery of Vitamin C into the bloodstream bypasses the digestive system and the potential gastrointestinal discomfort that can occur with oral supplementation.


It's important to note that IVT with Vitamin C should be administered under medical supervision and tailored to individual needs. The decision to pursue IVT should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional, taking into consideration the specific health circumstances and requirements of each individual.

Who cant get Vitamin C IV Therapy?

While intravenous Vitamin C therapy (IVT) is generally considered safe, there are certain individuals who may not be suitable candidates for this treatment. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or medical provider to determine if IVT with Vitamin C is appropriate for your specific situation. Some factors that may affect eligibility for IVT include:

  1. Kidney Disease: Individuals with kidney disease, particularly those with a history of kidney stones or impaired kidney function, may need to avoid or closely monitor IVT with Vitamin C. High doses of Vitamin C can potentially increase the risk of kidney stone formation in susceptible individuals.

  2. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency: G6PD deficiency is a genetic condition that affects red blood cells. Some studies suggest that high doses of intravenous Vitamin C may cause hemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells) in individuals with this deficiency. Screening for G6PD deficiency is typically recommended before IVT with high-dose Vitamin C.

  3. Certain Medications: There may be interactions between intravenous Vitamin C and certain medications. For example, individuals taking certain chemotherapy drugs, blood thinners, or medications that affect kidney function may require careful monitoring or adjustments in Vitamin C dosage during IVT.

  4. Individual Sensitivities or Allergies: Some individuals may have specific sensitivities or allergies to Vitamin C or the components used in IVT preparations. It is important to discuss any known allergies or sensitivities with your healthcare provider before considering IVT.

  5. Other Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as certain types of iron overload disorders (hemochromatosis), certain types of cancer (such as certain hematological malignancies), and certain metabolic disorders, may require cautious consideration and monitoring during IVT.

  6. Those who have sickle cell disease.

Ultimately, the decision about IVT with Vitamin C should be made in collaboration with a healthcare professional who can assess your individual medical history, current medications, and specific health needs. They will be able to provide personalized guidance and determine if IVT is appropriate or if alternative treatments or methods of Vitamin C supplementation would be more suitable for you.

Booking Process

You do not need a consultation prior to booking a Vitamin C infusion with us provided you do not suffer from any of the contraindications. Please read "who cant have Vitamin C IV Therapy". 

To book click on the link above that is provided "book Now"

Iron Infusion Booking Process
Importance of Iron
Possible Side Effects
Most Common Side Effects
Iron Infusion Booking Process

When booking for an Iron infusion at Medwell Clinic we require the following steps to be followed:

  1. All GP referrals require a consultation with our Nurse Practitioner prior to booking in for your Iron Infusion. Book in with Nurse Practitioner Michelle Grant to determine suitability. If you have recent blood results showing you are iron deficient within the last 1-2 weeks then please ensure you bring these with you for your consultation there are sent with a referral from your GP. 

  2. If you do not have recent blood results then our Nurse Practitioner will give you a pathology form to have these done prior to determining suitability for iron infusion. 

  3. Our Nurse Practitioner will advise whether you can then book in for your iron infusion based on all the above information. 

  4. If you are suitable you will be given a script to go purchase the Iron from the chemist.

  5. Ensure you give yourself enough time for the infusion, approximately 45 minutes, please do not book any other appointments after your infusion to allow a time buffer for your infusion and any possible delays within the clinic.

Please note: We are not a bulk billing clinic and all appointments with our doctors and Nurse Practitioners are paid consultations, If you are eligible you can receive a rebate for the consultation only. There is no rebate on the $220 for the Iron infusion itself. 

Importance of Iron

Iron plays a vital role in the production of hemoglobin, a component of our red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. It is crucial for maintaining energy levels, muscle strength, and cognitive function.


When iron levels are insufficient, individuals may experience fatigue, lethargy, difficulty in accomplishing simple tasks, and an inability to engage in everyday activities.


Iron depletion can occur due to various factors such as blood loss, menstrual cycles in women, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Chronic diseases like stomach or bowel cancers, inadequate consumption of iron-rich foods (particularly in vegetarian/vegan diets), inflammatory bowel disease, parasitic infections, and certain medications (such as aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs) can also contribute to iron deficiency.


There are numerous reasons why someone may experience a lack of iron in their body.

Possible Side Effects

Typically, side effects that arise from a treatment are transient, mild, and tend to resolve on their own without requiring any specific medical intervention.


These side effects can manifest immediately during the infusion process, become evident while waiting after the infusion, or emerge within the following one to seven days.


It's important to note that having experienced or not experienced any side effects in a previous Iron (Ferinject) infusion does not guarantee the presence or absence of similar side effects or reactions in subsequent infusions.


While side effects are frequent and should not be disregarded, they are generally manageable and should not be a cause for significant concern.

Most Common Side Effects
  • Headache, nausea, vomiting, or a sensation of sickness

  • Muscle or joint pain

  • Anxiety and chest discomfort

  • Metallic taste in the mouth

  • Difficulty in locating a suitable vein for cannulation

  • The possibility of permanent staining of the skin surrounding the IV access site is recognized as a potential adverse event. It is important to have a thorough discussion with your doctor regarding all potential risks and side effects.

** If you have encountered challenges with blood draws, issues with IV insertion, phobias related to these procedures, or have experienced fainting or sickness during previous pathology or blood tests, please inform us.

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