Terms & Conditions

Booking and Purchase Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing Medwell Clinic. These Booking and Purchase Terms and Conditions (Terms) apply when you make a booking and/or purchase through our website (https://www.medwellclinic.com.au/) (Website), via telephone, or in-person at a Medwell Clinic location.

By making a booking or purchase, you agree to these Terms with your Chosen Clinic (refer to section 1.1 below). References in these Terms to ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’ are references to your Chosen Clinic.

You should review these Terms carefully and not proceed with a booking or purchase if you do not agree. You should also review the Medwell Clinic Website Terms & Conditions and Medwell Clinic Privacy Policy, which outline (as applicable) the additional terms that apply to the use of the Website and provide information on how your personal information is handled by Medwell Clinic.

1. Agreement

1.1 Formation of Agreement with Your Chosen Clinic

These Terms are agreed upon between you and your Chosen Clinic. You do not have any entitlement to receive goods and/or services from any other Medwell Clinic entity.

(a) You agree that you enter into these Terms with the clinic that: (i) you have indicated as your ‘preferred clinic’ either on the Website or via phone; or (ii) such clinic that you make an in-person booking with, (your Chosen Clinic).

(b) You acknowledge and agree that you are making a booking with and/or purchasing a right to receive goods and/or services from (as applicable) your Chosen Clinic only and are not making a booking with and/or purchasing a right to receive goods and/or services from any other Medwell Clinic entity, including franchised clinics, Medwell Clinic Pty Ltd, or any ‘related body corporate’ or a ‘related entity’ of Medwell Clinic Pty Ltd within the meaning of s.50 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Medwell Clinic Entities).

(c) Subject to local law, you agree that your sole rights and entitlements are with your Chosen Clinic, and you agree not to take any action against any other Medwell Clinic Entity in connection with these Terms.

1.2 Client Consent Form

You agree that you will be required to agree to additional terms with your Chosen Clinic before you receive relevant goods and/or services, including (without limitation) the client consent form.

1.3 Additional Terms for Particular Services and Promotions

(a) For certain services, campaigns, promotions, or contests, additional terms and conditions may apply. You can find information on these terms and policies at: Current Promotional Terms & Conditions.

(b) You acknowledge that if you want to receive certain services or participate in a campaign, promotion, or contest, you agree to those applicable terms and conditions. In case of any inconsistency between such terms and conditions and these Terms, those terms and conditions will prevail.

1.4 Assignment

(a) Subject to clause 1.4(b), we may assign these Terms to any other Medwell Clinic Entity without your consent.

(b) We may only assign these Terms to a Medwell Clinic Entity within a reasonable distance of your Chosen Clinic, and that is capable of performing the obligations owed to you, or otherwise with your consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

(c) You may assign these Terms only with our written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

2. Accounts

2.1 General

To make a booking or purchase through the Website, you must register for, and hold, an account for your use of our customer portal (Account and Portal). You must not create an account on behalf of another person. To create an Account, you:

(a) must be at least 18 years of age;

(b) must possess the legal right and ability to enter into a legally binding agreement with us; and

(c) agree and warrant to use the Website in accordance with these Terms.

2.2 Collection of Personal Information

(a) As part of making a booking and/or purchase, you will provide us with personal information, including your full name, date of birth, and contact details (such as your email and phone number). We collect personal information about you in order to process your booking and/or purchase, provide you with marketing materials, news, and promotional offers from us, and for purposes otherwise set out in the Privacy Policy.

(b) In addition to the information above, we may collect sensitive information (including health information such as health, medical conditions, treatment history, family health history, diet, and lifestyle information) from you, or others involved in your health, in order to provide appropriate goods and/or services to you.

(c) We may disclose your personal information and sensitive information to:

(i) other Medwell Clinic Entities; and

(ii) third parties that help us deliver our services (including IT service providers, and providers of marketing, market research, and consulting services) or as required by law. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide all of our services to you. We may also disclose your personal information to recipients who are located outside of Australia, including to third-party service providers located in the United States and the Netherlands.

(d) The Privacy Policy also explains: (i) how we store and use, and how you may access and correct your personal information; (ii) how you can lodge a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information; and (iii) how we will handle any complaint. If you would like any further information about our privacy policies or practices, please contact us at officer@medwellclinic.com.au.

(e) You must ensure any information you provide us is accurate and current.

2.3 Account Security

When you register and activate your Account, you can choose your username and password. You are responsible for keeping this username and password secure and are responsible for all use and activity carried out under your Account.

2.4 Cancellation and Suspension

(a) You may cancel or suspend your Account at any time by emailing cancelmyaccount@medwellclinic.com.au. Where you cancel or suspend your Account, you will no longer be entitled to access

(b) We may restrict, suspend, or terminate your Account or your access to the Portal, including any material (including all text, graphics, logos, audio, and software) made available to you through the Portal (Content), or any feature of the Portal at any time, provided that we will seek to provide you with reasonable notice of such restriction, suspension, or termination where practicable and having regard to the nature and circumstances of any potential breach of these Terms.

(c) Without limiting paragraph (b), we may immediately suspend or cancel your Account or access to the Portal if:

(i) you are, or we reasonably suspect that you are, in breach of:

(a) these Terms; or

(b) any applicable law;

(ii) we reasonably believe that we or any Medwell Clinic Entity are, or are likely to be, in breach of law or brought into disrepute, as a result of the provision of, or your use of the Portal; or

(iii) we are required to do so in order to comply with an order, instruction, or request of a regulatory authority.

(d) To the extent that you object to the suspension or cancellation of your Account or access to the Portal under 2(c)(i) or (ii) above, you must lodge a written objection to cancelmyaccount@medwellclinic.com.au within 30 days which we must then consider and respond to in writing within 30 days.

3. Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness of Information

We use all reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information we provide to you; however, the information on the Portal and as otherwise provided to you is not comprehensive, and material we provide is intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered.

We recognize that you have rights under the Australian Consumer Law, which forms part of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (ACL), but, to the maximum extent permitted by that law, we make no warranties or representations about the Portal or the Content, including warranties or representations that they will be complete, accurate, or up to date, that access will be uninterrupted or error-free or free from viruses, or that the Portal will be secure.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, including the ACL, save for instances of our fraud, negligence, and willful misconduct, we are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information made available to you, or if that information is not up to date. We may, from time to time and without notice, change or add to the information, products, or services we provide. However, despite best efforts, we cannot guarantee that information made available to you is always updated with the very latest information.

To the extent that we change our service offering, however, and you have pre-booked for that service, you will be able to cancel that booking and will be offered a full refund (for any pre-purchased services).

4. Linked Sites and Resources

The Portal may contain links to websites and resources operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse and are not responsible for the content on those linked websites and have no control over or rights in those linked websites.

5. Bookings and Purchases

5.1 Bookings (General)

(a) When you make a booking, you will be asked to provide certain information to assist us in finding an appropriate service for you. You must provide accurate and current information to us to ensure we can find the most appropriate booking for you.

(b) While we will use our best efforts to ensure that we can deliver the relevant service at your booked time, subject to applicable law

Business Hours

Monday: 8am – 5pm
Tuesday: 8am – 5pm
Wednesday: 8am – 5pm
Thursday: 8am – 5pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 11am


Medwell Medical & Wellness Clinic Medical
17 Wyreema Terrace,
Caloundra, 4551, QLD
Ph: (07) 5317 1120
Email: hello@medwellclinic.com.au


No show/Late Cancellation Policy

Alot of preparation goes into these consultations and we need sufficient time in order to fill a cancelled consultation. By booking any Medicinal Cannabis appointment you agree to the follwong conditions:

Conditions you agree to by booking any Medicinal Cannabis consultation with our paratitioners/nurses at Medwell Clinic

*All fees are paid prior to making your booking.

*If you cancel 12 business hours or less you will forfeit your full fee paid of $155.00 regardless of the circumstances as this is a teleheath consultation. Our business hours are located below. We do not accept cancellations outside our business hours.

*If you do not answer your booked consultation you will forfeit your full fee paid of $155.00 regardless of the circumstances. Should you wish to book again or reschedule you will be required to pre-pay for another consultation.

*Ensure that when you book your appointment that you book a day and time that you can commit to.

*Ensure you are in a location that has appropriate signal. We are not responsible if your calls fails or you do not have appropriate signal, or have issues with your phone.

How you can cancel/reschedule your appointment

*Reply NO to your reminder message as long as it is within 12 business hours.

*Text us on 0488 882 069 requesting to reschedule or cancel your appointment as long as it is within 12 business hours.

Business Hours

Monday: 8am – 5pm
Tuesday: 8am – 5pm
Wednesday: 8am – 5pm
Thursday: 8am – 5pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 11am


Medwell Medical & Wellness Clinic Medical
17 Wyreema Terrace,
Caloundra, 4551, QLD
Ph: (07) 5317 1120
Email: hello@medwellclinic.com.au

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